How to clean and look after your epoxy garage floor
One of the main benefits of having an epoxy coating on any flooring surface is its ease of cleaning and maintenance. Whether it’s wiping up a cracked egg in a domestic kitchen or cleaning up muddy footprints in a commercial showroom, it generally requires little more than mopping with some warm water. But what about […]
What is epoxy flooring – and which type do you need?
Epoxy flooring is commonly used for commercial and industrial spaces when the proprietors or tenants want to create a hardwearing, yet appealing, floor surface. There’s a place for raw concrete, but when you’re looking for a brighter, more professional finish, epoxy is often the best choice. A mix of synthetic resin and hardener, it is […]
Why choose epoxy flooring?
When it comes to the floor beneath our feet, we like it to reflect the style and purpose of its surrounds, but we can also be guilty of being a little blase about it. The fact is, however, that regardless of the venue, be it domestic or commercial, flooring is subject to a lot of […]